Words/Music – Rand Anderson
Time quickly ticks away
Tomorrow soon becomes today
Perception a trick it liks to play
Deception ’cause time is here to stay

The past is all behind you 
just a flash through the realms of your mind 
The future is a pipedream  
full of all those things you call the kind
Freedom’s in the present, not what’s left behind,
if your’e living in your head that’s when you find 
you’re wasting time 

Time blows on with the winds
Like a spiral that ends where it begins

The past is all behind you
just a flash through the realms of your mind
The future is a pipedream
full of all those things you call the kind
Freedom’s in the present, not what’s left behind,
if your’e living in your head that’s when you find
you’re wasting time 

Turn on those little colored lights inside your head 
See the world around you when you get up out of bed
Do what you choose to and not what you dread
Time is here and now so remember what I said 
Wakeup in the sunshine and walk into the day 
Enjoy it while its here cause here it will not stay 

Time existence within space
Experience an instance at some place

The past is all behind you 
just a flash through the realms of your mind
The future is a pipedream 
full of all those things you call the kind 
Freedom’s in the present, not what’s left behind,
if your’e living in your head that’s when find
you’re wasting time
l Em Bm l Em Bm l

I G l A l Em Bm l Em Bm l
I G l A l Em Bm l Em Bm l

l Am D l G Am l Am D l G Am l
l Am D l G Am l Am D l G Am l
l Bm Em l A D l G C l B l