Words/Music – Rand Anderson

it wasnt fame fortune that run thru the family
a lazy eye and webbed toes is what they left for me
momma loved to smoke and daddy loved to drink
and now i d love to tell you just exactly what i think

fuck you buddy, fuck you
fuck you buddy, fuck you
fuck your dumb ugly girlfriend
and that horse your riding too
fuck your stupid little sister
and fuck all of your friends
and when your all done fucking off
you can fuck yourself again

some folks say they dont like me cuz of how I wear my hair
and its real easy to give advice when your sitting way over there
if you think you can do it better i say go ahead and give it a try
after a day in my shoes then maybe youll know why i say

i like to write these little songs and play this hear guitar
and i really don’t give a shit if i don’t become a star
cuz i aint in it for the money the fortune or the fame
ill just keep on keeping it on and the song remains the same